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One-stop shop for your tertiary educational needs

Since its founding, our business has been providing quality education consulting services to help Hong Kong students study at UK universities. We aim to build an efficient and results-driven relationship with you.


We will work with you to create a customized plan of action for yourself so you can get into your desired educational institution. If you need advice on writing personal statements, interview technique, or university choices, get in touch to learn more about what we can do for you.


Our Oxbridge graduates will provide personal guidance on every step of your application.

Personal Statement

We provide custom writing and editing services to make sure your personal statement is perfect.


Many of our consultants are scholars themselves and can advise on your scholarship application and interview.

Visa and
Bank Account

Once your offer is confirmed, we will help you apply for a visa and bank account to ensure that you settle in smoothly.

Our admissions consultants can help you get in these top universities:

(the use of third party marks above does not mean that we are affiliated or connected with the owners of the marks or the institutions they represent)

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